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Venezuela’s climate varies a lot in relation to the altitude, the country presents a variety of climates ranging from tropical wet to the alpine. The temperature does not vary much, but the factor that causes the difference between the types of climate in addition to the altitude is the humidity.

The areas under 800 meters high have a tropical climate, with average temperatures ranging between 26°C and 28°C. The regions of the country which are between 800 and 2000 meters enjoy a temperate climate, with temperatures ranging between 12°C and 25°C. Over 2000 meters the climate is colder with annual average between 9°C to 11°C, in the areas higher than 3000 meters, average temperatures are below 8°C with possibility of snow on the highest mountains.

The rainy season is during the months between May and November. The average annual rainfall along the coast varies between 430 mm of arid western coastal areas up to 1000 mm of Orinoco delta. In Caracas, the average annual rainfall is 750 mm. In mountainous areas the rains vary greatly depending of the trade winds, areas exposed to the north-east trade winds receive substantial rainfall.

In the archipelago of Los Roques the trade winds blow throughout the year, but are more intense between January and July, the climate is very dry, the relatively rainy months are those between late October and early December. Los Roques is not in the area affected by cyclones. Average temperatures range between 26°C in January and 28°C in September. Sea water temperatures are around 29°C throughout the year.

The best time to visit Venezuela is the dry season between December and April, although the Salto Angel is more beautiful, because it has a greater rate of flow of water during the rainy season.