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Tumucumaque Mountains National Park lies in a large and continuous belt of pristine forests of 3,870,000 hectares, an area equal to Belgium, in the northwestern portion of Brazil’s Amapá State, with a very small area inthe Pará State. It covers most of the boundary between Brazil and French Guyana. Created in August 2002, the park is part of a large forest block composed of three indigenous lands (Tumucumaque, Land Waiapi, and Rio Paru D’Oeste) and four protected areas (National Forest Amapá, Sustainable Development Reserve do Rio Iratapuru, Ecological Station Jari and Extractive Reserve do Rio Cajari) that altogether encompass around 11,000,000 hectares, one of the world’s largest continuous block of protected area. The park is estimated to harbor at least 37 lizard species, 350 birdspecies and 7 primate species. These numbers represent 42 percent, 31percent and 12 percent of all species of these respective taxonomic groups recorded so far in Brazil’s Amazonia. Several species whose populations have declined in other parts of their ranges are also present, such as the jaguar, giant anteater, giant armadillo, harpy eagle, the black spider monkey, the brown-bearded saki monkey and white-faced saki monkey. Several kinds of macaws, parrots, guans, hummingbirds and large fruit-eating canopy bird species are still found in abundance.

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