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Cabo Orange

This National Park is the only one in the Amazon rainorest on the coastline. The vegetation and fauna found there is slightly different from the other parks, since it is influenced by the Atlantic ocean ecosystem. This Park has some infrastructure but just for their permanent staff, not for visitors yet. Nevertheless it’s possible to visit the park by boat from the Oiapoque city in the Amapa state of Brazil . It’s a unique place to see the transition of two very different ecosystems, the Amazon rainforest and the Atlantic Ocean .
Located in Amapá State it occupies an area of 619,000 hectares with predominant terra firme dense forest, mangrove and a peninsula 150 km long which stretching out 10km into the sea. It was created in 1980 and it encompasses a large part of the Macapá-Oiapoque Fluvial Marine Plain in quaternary soil with sand , silt, and clay sediments. Its area is predominantely marine with an extensive plain formed by fluvial and marine deposits, mangroves covered by savannahs and dense forest in contact with terciary soil and mangroves. It is also constitues restingas being subject to periodic floodings.
It is an area of difficult access due to the water and entangling of roots.
Its fauna is very rich and diverse because of habitat diversification. Standing out are the sea turtle and birds especially guará and flamingo close to extinction. Other bird species found in the park are ducks, herons and psitacideous. Among the important mammals there are the also endengered sea and river manatees. Racoons, otters, jaguars, guaribas, squirrel monkeys, capybaras, tapirs, giant otters, giant anteaters, great long-nosed armadillos, sucuaranas and red-brocket deers among others live in the park.
Relative humidity is higher than 80%. The area is of difficult access being reached from the coast or Cassiporé river.

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